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Saturday, May 30, 2015

drawing challenge 169: youth



between yellow and blue

hanging around

Reflecting on this week's theme of the drawing challenge
I came to these pieces that I've made a few years ago.

To see more "youth", please visit Rose her site  here,
she's the host this week.

And sometimes there's uproar...



Stefanie Seltner said...

very nice, the yellow blue... and sandcastle - I feel so bored and tired each time I have to sit there at the spielplatz, the only thing that helps than is to sit in the sand and start building something.
x stefanie

Unknown said...

Hanging around, I was forgotten that, standing outside in the dark, near the supermarket Spar. Even when it was cold, because I didn't want to miss a thing. Nothing mutch was happening, but eh who cared, HE was there. I like the way you expressed it.

nadine paduart said...

i think i am really very intrigued by n° 1. that is such a perfect composition, to my likings, it triggers this and that. n° 3 makes me smile. have a lovely weekend, cerulean! n♥

Carole Reid said...

Were you hanging around the same places as me in your youth, Eric?
Sounds familiar.

Tammie Lee said...

fun to think that you have been working in this style for years. They are always a joy to see and to consider youth while looking at them is awesome.

Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

So NICE to see all these on your BLOG!
The last one is a FAVORITE!!!!!
Have a good Sunday = )

Veronica Roth said...

Oh yes! I love building sand castle, rock castles, stick castles... Best fun ever. I can see beautiful sand castle right by the blue water in your paining. They are from my tropical holidays. Love it. Well done Eric. :D

joanne said...

I love how those bright yellow and blue reflect on the seaside holidays I also had with my family when we were young. My sisters now try to recreate those memories for their children...camping and all.
Lovely DC response.

Unknown said...

I like the sandcastle. This is the feeling of youth.
❤️ Katrin

Ariane Reichardt said...

Know this all, dear Eric! It is fantastic, how an abstract painting and some words can trigger so many feelings in me. Thank you for reminding me on (my) youth.

Cheers, Ariane of Rose.

Patrice A. said...

door jouw mooie beelden
terug naar mijn kindertijd
de tijd dat de vakanties lang waren
eindeloze weken naar zee
's ochtends vroeg als een van de eersten
en ook weer vroeg naar huis
zand in onze kleren
de geur van de zon


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