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Sunday, May 4, 2014

drawing challenge: food


"Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is." - Mark Twain

The drawing challenge for this week is food. It brought me to these grids of fruit and also to
the Tom Waits song: "Grapefruit Moon".

The next four pieces are from last year. I then couldn't find an appropriate title and it became:
"Four corners". However, the food theme inspired me to a much better title: "Quattro stagione".
"Bon appetit!"

Thank you Patrice for hosting the drawing challenge this week. You can see more links on food
on her blog;


Carole Reid said...

Great quote! Great fruit! Bon appetit!

nadine paduart said...

i've been thinking about textures this week, and somehow your examples here match up those thoughts.
i love that wait's title! sounds almost tasty.. n♥

Leena said...

Wonderful pictures and ideas, thank you! Leena

Jo Murray said...

Great interpretation of the theme Eric.

Unknown said...

Love how you work with colors and texture. These ones make me think of italie….weird enough… I like the first ones with the yellow.

Kristen Donegan said...

Wonderful Post Eric! I really like the repeat in your work- and how I get to linger over the differences between each piece- it invites the viewer in to take a closer look and slow down- like a good bite of food no?!
Have a great week :)

Unknown said...

Delightful textures, Eric - and of course, I see crossed utensils here and there.
best wishes, sus

Patrice A. said...

smakelijke werken
ik krijg meteen zin in pizza!

dankjewel voor het meedoen
en een fijne week!

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