The drawing challenge of this week is "nude". It reminded me of the life drawing classes at the academy long ago. For four years, every Thursday morning drawing lessons for four hours.
Long positions of half an hour alternated with short positions of 2 minutes. The models: large and small, fat and thin, beautiful and ugly, men and women, clothed and nude, sometimes a musician and on a very rare occasion an animal such as a dog or a goat (who nibbled on the paper).
After the academy I had a huge pile that I have kept for long. But after four moves I was fed up to keep them and I cleared them all except one or two.
For the dc I made "four nudes" based on previous pieces of the last year. You can see them here: I, II, III and IV.
Thank you Patrice for hosting the dc this week. Please visit her blog to see more: http://patriceaarts.blogspot.nl/
The colors are based on the color scheme of "the summer of color" of this week,
"Lavender & Grey with a Smudge, Splash or Pop of Plum" hosted by Kristin.
They're colors I almost never use. But they proved to fit perfectly with the dc of this week.
Good reason to combine both themes. Thank you Kristin for hosting "the summer of color".
You really rose to the challenge...great work.
Lovely :)
Beautiful work using the SOC colors! Thank you for sharing!
Stunning and gorgeous.
I was also reminded of art school & drawing from models.very nice.
Simply lovely.
I love your style! Beautiful.
LOVED those lessons!!!
and you are right
those colors fit perfectly
thank you for sharing (we never had a dog or goat ;^))
and joining!
Patrice A.
Clever way to interpret the challenge and really wonderful to be able to click back and see the original pieces that inspired the new ones!
Hi Eric, perfect colours for this dc! I was surprised and delighted by the colours..... unsure if it really was your work. Happy weekend to you!
i popped over to the originals of these and i like their texture, alot! these interpretations bring up a different mood completely..
a goat in the studio? awesome! n♥
I recognize your story about art school: same here ;-) Although we never had an animal! I kept those drawings also for a long time, now I have only some of them left. As you say: the moving around with them began to annoy me…
I really like the colors you used, my kind of thing ;-) I can not decide between the first two pictures, I like them the most!
Your pictures surprised me in a very positive way: NUDE...yes,all those sketches one did at art-School. Some of my friends still meet once a week to paint nudes. Years ago I joined them for a few sessions, and I thought it was rather boring!
Your pictures take the word "challenge" for real - great!
I'm totally inspired from your work. Thanks for sharing!
wonderful work Eric- I love how you take everything down to its elemental structure- it always makes me think and expand how I see the relationships of forms :)
subtly suggestive
beautiful use for the SOC too
Colours are all about emotion for me. Yours in these four works are safe and calm and I can spend a long long leisurely time visiting these pieces therefore. Nice is a lame word for your work but these are NICE!!!! *smiles* Norma
Lovely use of the colours!
These are lovely Eric. Isn't that the way of art school though? So much work to catalogue. I finally did a through clearing of a lot of previous work and then, inevitably, someone asks what became of this or that and I have to confess that it ended up on the burn pile and then scream. So now I just give it away...send it out to the world to whoever wants it...lol.
tinyWOOLF-Nadine just tells what I thought...what difference those series make when they become revised with colours...beautiful both! What a funny thought of having a goat for drawing lessons in school...as I'm a student of architecture, we mostly have liveless pieces such as furniture or building elements and, well, also whole buildings of course! ;-)
Great combination of challenges, Eric. Thanks also for the memories of life drawing, really struck a chord with me. Happy week, sus
Hi Eric, yes we had it nearly the same at the academie but unfortunately not with animals, that would have been a new and exciting challenge. And as you I threw my sketches out after a couple of moves. What I really like about your dc artwork is that you stick to your abstract cenception combined with nudy summercolors.
barbara bee
fab use of he colors!
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